Lyle Mioduszewski Joins Perfecting Peds

Excited to introduce and welcome Lyle Mioduszewski and officially to the Perfecting Peds team- co founder and President.

Lyle and I met on Y combiner founders match and the rest was history.

He is a nurse by training with 20 plus years in the ER bedside turned sales executive with a speciality of contracting with health plans and providers alike. He is also most importantly a husband and dad of 3 kids.

Right when I pitched perfecting peds he got the vision. It was clear he could understand the need and the mission. He also understood sales, growth and business strategy at a level I still struggle to comprehend.

He is the perfect partner and complement to my strengths and weaknesses. He has the tenancy and excitement about Perfecting Peds which is infectious. He has scaled our patients, contracts, and business by 30 x since through his expertise and advisement.

The perfecting Peds team is extremely luck to have him and we can’t wait to see what else this animal can accomplish through this relentless passion to improve medication use in the pediatric population.

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